doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in
the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
Thomas A. Edison
Dear friend
My best wishes to you.
I enjoy hearing from you. Write to me with your comments and questions.
- Please log into your account to communicate with me. I can no longer respond to letters to drz@drz.org. Hundreds of uns.olicited junk mails.
I make every attempt to answer your e-mails as soon as my busy schedule allows. At times this may take a few days. Please understand and be patient.
Today's Topic:
Natural Progesterone
has NEW Name
Bio Identical Progesterone
Take a Look
Content: (You need an open internet connection to read the entire letter):
Quotes for Your Life
"You have to stop in order to change direction."
Erich Fromm
I get letters (bolds and links added by Dr. Z)
"But most impressive to me was experiencing my first easy menstrual period in forty years. I used Bio Identical Progesterone instead of drugs for PMS and heavy cramps. It worked!"
Barbara W., Grass Valley
Dear Dr. Zeischegg:
I feel good, I knew that I would now. I feel nice, like sugar and spice. . . .well actually, I have had no sugar, and I have limited my spice intake due to mold sensitivity. But I do feel good!
I attended your first lecture and then appointment with complaints of bloating, constipation, skin rash, inability to concentrate, 2 week (yes, it's true) pre-menstrual syndrome and painful periods,fatigue, depression, and mood swings.
I was screened for allergies, of which many came up, supplemented, and given my diet, in addition to Bio Identical Progesterone. Well, within 4 weeks my symptom score went from 68 to
6! My health and vitality that eluded me for so long is back!
My periods are completely painless (which I've never experienced) and no PMS.
I lost 4 pounds the first week with no effort and am now up to 8 pounds gone. I look more young and beautiful than
when I was young and beautiful! And, I have so much energy for my days that I am actively pursuing many of the interests that I was unable to accomplish through being emotionally and
physically drained.
I eat copiously the foods that are good for my body and know that each day is cleansing my body and strengthening my vitality. I no longer have an interest in life depleting foods
now that I am experiencing optimum life through finding my balance. Though it has taken much strength and willpower, something my new found health readily supplies, I have chosen to be the
master of my body and frequently say "I choose not to eat the foods that will deplete my "life force".
This has empowered me greatly in my new approach to sustaining an existence worth living for!
I'm so proud of myself! I've made the necessary changes in my life that have brought me deeper understanding and real, lasting happiness. And I'm off to a new adventure!
Before I go I want to express my extreme gratefulness and gratitude to you, Dr. Z, for without you, none of these essential changes could have taken place for me. The generous amount of
information you extend at your lectures is so helpful and imperative to coming to grips with the nature of Candida overgrowth and how it affects our lives.