Peripheral/Diabetic Neuropathy occurs most frequently in people over age 40 who smoke and/or who have diabetes. Both smoking and chronic high blood sugar/diabetes interfere with normal circulation and consequently with supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.
Nerves have a high metabolism. Consequently nerves are extremely sensitive to decreased oxygen levels. Nerve dysfunction, nerve degeneration and possibly nerve death may follow. Sensory loss, numbness and/or tingling in the affected areas and poor wound healing are warning signs.
For those affected by peripheral/diabetic neuropathy, it is imperative to stop smoking and pay close attention to one's diet.
European health care practioners report that the German homeopathic/isopathic Mucokehl/Pleo-Muc ointment in combination with Mucokehl/Pleo-Muc capsules has proven extremely useful as supportive therapy to alleviate the symptomatic effects of peripheral/diabetic neuropathy by increasing local microcirculation and thus increasing oxygen perfusion.
Co-Q10 is the enzyme required to make cell energy (ATP) from blood sugar/glucose and oxygen. As we age, cellular levels of Co-Q10 tend to decrease. Co-Q10 is a very important factor.
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