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"All Possibilities"

ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders


Our "All Possibilities" program is designed to induce changes in brain function without medication.

The Diagnostic Part

a) First and foremost, we must determine brain hemisphericity, i.e. which brain hemisphere is under-stimulated. Please review my article on ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders.

Brain hemisphericity is determined with

  • Neurological examination
  • Blind spot mapping
  • Applied Kinesiology testing

b) We also evaluate

  • Postural, gait and motor coordination problems
  • nutritional needs
  • health of the digestive system
  • allergies to foods and other items
  • sensitivity to heavy metals such as mercury

c) We conduct the following assessment:

  • Motor Coordination - Timing Assessment: Interactive Metronome®

The Therapy Part

a) The under-stimulated brain hemisphere needs stimulation. We get the kids and grown ups moving, get them physically active, get them away from the TV and computer. We improve any postural or structural imbalance. We stimulate the brain hemisphere. To do that we use brain hemisphere specific chiropractic, light, sound, smell, vibration and postural, balance and eye exercises.

b) Nutritional and digestive needs are addressed. This provides the biochemical foundation for optimal brain function.

c) The two brain hemispheres must be balanced. The two halves of the brain - and the body - have to be trained to work together.

The Interactive Metronome®

The Interactive Metronome® (IM) is a computer-based approach to help children and adults with

  • attention deficit hyperactive disorder
  • dyspraxia
  • language delays
  • motor challenges

Invented by former rock musician and record producer James Cassidy, the IM program is based on the principle that attention, coordination and timing difficulties are linked to developmental, behavioral and learning problems.

The Interactive Metronome® helps improve motor planning, timing, rhythmicity and sequencing capabilities through a structured training program of repetitive movements. The IM enhances academic & learning achievement, ability to stay on task, problem solve, optimize already existing cognitive abilities as well as acquire & master new ones more easily.

The Interactive Metronome® software produces a fixed rate beat (like the classic music metronome). The trainee starts clapping/tapping to this beat against a trigger with hands, feet, or a combination of hands and feet. The goal is to hit the trigger at the same time as the beat. The training computer provides audio feedback to the trainee via headphones about how far from or how close to the beat he/she is.

The trainee's accuracy is measured in milliseconds (ms.). Normally, a trainee will start with an overall accuracy of 40 to 80 ms., sometimes higher. By the time they graduate from the program, their overall accuracy will typically be 20 to 27 ms.

For maximum results a total of 15 sessions is recommended, with at least three sessions per week. For individuals with substantial motor coordination problems several preparatory sessions may be indicated.

Within four to six weeks, major permanent changes in brain function, motor coordination and cognitive function can be achieved.


  • Increased Attention and Focus
  • Improved Motor Skills of: Timing, Planning, Control, Sequencing, Coordination, Rhythmicity & Reduced Clumsiness
  • Improved Reading & Math Fluency
  • Increased Language Processing
  • Enhanced Ability to Self Regulate Aggression & Impulsivity
  • Reduced Auditory Hypersensitivity

There are more than 1000 hospitals, clinics and schools countrywide offering IM training.


In a study of 56 ADHD-diagnosed boys aged 6 to 12, those undergoing the IM program showed significant patterns of improvement in attention, coordination, control of aggression/impulsivity, reading and language processing compared to a control group who did not receive IM training. (American Journal of Occupational Therapy, March/April, 2001, Vol 55, No 2)

In data compiled on 451 students who completed IM training, pre and post results were measured using the Woodcock Johnson 3rd edition standardized test. These findings showed improvements in reading fluency by 2.02 grade levels and math fluency by 1.36 grade levels.

Clinical Reassessment

  • Assessment of progress in neurological/motor function

Conference with Parent(S)

  • At times additional therapy sessions may prove useful or necessary for further improvement.


I. Auditory Hypersensitivity, Dyslexia

M, a 17 year old female high school student had been diagnosed with visual perception disorder and dyslexia in 7th grade. She always had major problems completing her homework. Very often she stayed up late to attempt to do so. She could not complete her math homework without assistance. She is very intelligent and extremely creative. She loves to sing and dance.

A neurological examination showed left brain-hemisphere deficit. During the initial IM assessment it was discovered that she suffered from auditory hypersensitivity. The IM guide sounds would distract her so that she could not concentrate on the main metronome beat. The volume had to be turned down. Anybody with this condition tends to be distracted and disturbed by environmental noises. Focusing becomes difficult. Sleep at night may be disturbed by any noise.

Her initial score was 49.6 ms. (milliseconds). After 15 sessions, this had improved to 17.7 ms. Her auditory hypersensitivity was resolved. Since completing the IM training, her grades have improved. It takes her less time to complete her homework. According to her mother her self-esteem and her confidence have noticeably improved. She applied and got an after-school job without asking her mother for assistance. She reports that she can better read instructions and follow them. In her French class she experienced for the first time that she could actually understand her teacher's dictation. Another first in her life: she picked up a book for pleasure reading.

II. Over-stressed, Working Mother

C, a 48-year-old office manger/mother was easily stressed and frustrated by too many things to do. She would often reverse numbers and right and left directions. Her initial IM score was 58.17 ms. After 15 sessions it had improved to 11.43 ms.

Since completing the IM training she no longer reverses number sequences. She has noticed better focus and clarity at the office, at home and at the gym. She reports that she can complete more tasks more accurately, and with far less stress and frustration. As an unexpected result she finds herself being more in the present, daydreaming less.

III. Dr. Z, Hyper-anticipatory

I am 57 years old. In order to become a certified IM trainer, I completed 15 hours of self-training. My initial IM score was 59.1 ms. The most difficult tasks were tapping with both heels, and tapping the left hand alternating with the right toe. I also proved to be very hyper-anticipatory. In all tasks I was way ahead of the beat. This typically indicates a wound up sympathetic - "German" - nervous system.

As is the case for most males, I showed right brain-hemisphere deficit. For quite a while I have suffered form left hip pain and muscle spasms in my left leg at night. Nothing I tried created lasting relief. Many of my patients show chronic symptoms on the side opposite their brain hemisphericity.

After 15 IM sessions my score improved to 17.6 ms. I tested no longer hyper-anticipatory. Interestingly enough, my night muscle spasms and left hip pain have all but vanished. My power of concentration has much improved. My wife states that I appear less "German".

Parents report:

"My son Grant was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 14 years old. He has since been on either Ritalin or Adderall. Allergies were also a major issue in his life, both with food and the environment. These were noticed around the age of 8. Almost year around, he was on Allegra or Zyrtec. The allergy medication helped, but his nasal passages were constantly swollen. When Grant (now 17) told me that he was depressed and had been for as long as he could remember, I had to do something different. I couldn't imagine putting any more medication in his body.

Months before, I had stumbled on to Dr. Z's web site while looking for alternatives for treating ADHD. It also addressed depression. On 10-22-04, Grant was evaluated by Dr. Z. What alarmed us most was his heart rate. Resting heart rate jumped around between 86 and 143, back and forth.

Grant and I decided to stop all of his medication immediately. He started the supplements and the Hypoglycemia/Candida Diet the next day. The first few days were the hardest. I felt like he stayed on the diet 'one meal at a time'. He wanted to quit. Coming off of sugar, refined carbohydrates and medication was rather tough, but he stayed with it. Dr. Z was there to answer questions and to encourage to continue.

On his next visit, three days later, his heart rate was normal - 73 to 76. No more jumping around. We knew that we were headed in the right direction.

Now, over three weeks later, there is amazing progress. Grant's depression is gone. The swelling has disappeared and he can now breathe out of his nose. He states that he can focus better now, than he could while on medication for ADHD. His overall appearance looks better and healthier.

Dr. Z ordered Grant orthotics and has him doing simple exercises to help with brain function. This has helped also.

We couldn't recommend Dr. Z highly enough! He has shared with us the tools to help Grant live a life free of symptoms that affected everything about him."

Tracie - Nevada City, California

"My 9 year old son Carl had a terrible time in school. He could not sit still and pay attention - it was like he wanted to crawl out of his skin. He used to bring lots of unfinished homework from school. It took him at least 1.5 hours to complete his homework every day. He made many mistakes. I had to sit with him to keep him on track.

I finally brought Carl to see Dr. Z. After a thorough neurological evaluation Dr. Z put him on a strict low carb diet with several supplements to aid digestion and brain function. He recommended simple daily brain balancing exercises.

Carl's initial score on the Interactive Metronome was terrible. His timing and motor coordination was quite poor which was surprising to me. He was always an active kid and played soccer.

Now, after 15 sessions with the Interactive Metronome, chiropractic work, a diet without sugar - the changes are truly remarkable:

Carl is much more confident, much calmer. He gets most of his homework done in school. At home it takes him maybe 15 minutes to finish. I do not have to sit with him
He is a quicker reader now - he finished a 120 page book in three days, which was unimaginable before. He even got 100% on a book report that was not even due yet - he used to get maybe 60-70% before. His teachers definitely noticed the sudden change."

A very happy mother in Nevada City

My son, 11 years old, was diagnosed with high functioning autism/Asperger's. He would make no eye contact and had a very tough time in school interacting with other children. He was angry a lot of the time, and overall unhappy. He's stood out in school with socially inappropriate behavior.

After the first 10 days of Dr. Z's neurological work with my son, he starts making eye contact, not all the time. I catch him looking straight into my eyes to tell me something. This is amazing! I drop what ever I'm doing in order to keep it going.

Now, nine months later, he is a different kid. He is interested in things. He asks questions. He is able to make and maintain friendships…a much happier kid. He has improved in school by two math levels. His teachers see overall improvement: he appears more empathetic towards other children and is willing to participate." KS

"My son is 8 years old. He is much less oppositional now. In the past he did not know how to communicate with other children. Grown ups had to always facilitate this. Now, he can initiate it by himself. It is easier for him to make friends. His academics have greatly improved." MD

"My 11 year-old son was overweight, had chronic headaches, suffered from chronic eczema, poor concentration, poor memory and compulsive eating. He was very disorganized and often uncooperative, had poor math skills, had trouble finishing homework and was easily distracted.

Dr. Z changed his diet and began a five week brain training program which included the Interactive Metronome. Within the first week we began seeing changes: he was able to spend more time on a task without being distracted, and he was willing to do chores on the first request. His longstanding headaches had disappeared.

After the completion of the five week program, my son appears much more poised and confident. He lost 20 lbs. He is less sullen, less angry and much more fun to be around. The biggest improvement is his capacity to concentrate and stay with a task without being distracted. A life changing experience for all of us." VC


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders affect children, teenagers, and adults. They affects boys and girls, men and women, but more so boys. Our "All Possibilities" program is geared towards reducing or totally resolving these problems. Our graduates learn to focus and concentrate. They improve math, reading, and language processing skills. They improve their timing and coordination. They improve their scores on standardized tests, such as SAT, GRE, or professional board exams. They improve their self-esteem. They reduce their impulsivity and aggression.

Only four to six weeks can change your brain function.



  • Full cooperation of parents is indispensable for maximum clinical results.
  • Home "exercises" are recommended to speed up overall improvement.
  • TV viewing hours should be reduced if not eliminated.
  • The same holds true for computer time
  • Physical activity throughout the day is to be encouraged and monitored

For available appointments please contact Dr. Z.  

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The statements in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

© Peter M. Zeischegg, MS, DC, DACNB 2013