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Ultra Wellness Store Help

"Filter" Button

If you know the name of a Thorne Research or Sanum/PleoSanum -Pleomorphic item please click on the "down arrow" next to

  • "All''
  • chose the appropriate letter of the alphabet (example: A for Al's Formula)
  • click on "Go" button
  • chose an item from the list to review description and ingredients

If you would like to find out which Thorne Research or Sanum/Pleo items might be useful for which conditions please click on the "down arrow" next to

  • "Filter (All Groups)"
  • chose the appropriate group
  • click on "Go" button
  • chose an item from the list to review description and ingredients

"Dr. Z's Health Kits"

Dr. Z's Health Kits are groups of nutritional supplements and/or homeopathic remedies that have proven very useful for certain conditions in Dr. Z's clinical experience.

"What's New!"

Recent additions to Dr. Z's on-line store.

"Keyword Search"

  • Type in a word such brain or hypoglycemia or brain. Not all words you type will be in the searchable database.
  • Click on "Search" button. This will return a number of supplements that have relevance to the keyword you typed in.

Note: The supplement names are not searchable in this way. You must use the alphabetical FILTER process desribed above.

"Show Sanum/Pleosanum"

If you are familiar with the Sanum names you can here find the equivalent Pleo names. Clicking on a Sanum name will take you directly to the appropriate page in Dr. Z's on-line store.