Dr. Z, Peter Zeischegg MS, DC, DACNB - When Western Medicine Has Not Helped
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January 10, 2011


Ask Dr. Z

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
Thomas A. Edison


Dear friend

My best wishes to you.

Listen to Dr. Z


Today's Topic:

Peripheral Neuropathy - Blood Sugar Imbalance

Oxygen - Anti-Aging - The Missing Link



  1. Quotes for Your Life
  2. I get letters
  3. What is Neuropathy?
  4. Dr. Z's Neuropathy Kit
  5. Your Personal Portable Oxygen Bar


Quotes for Your Life

"We see things not as they are, but as we are."
H.M. Tomlinson, journalist, novelist

"It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."
James Thurber, writer, editor, cartoonist

"Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, author

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet and dramatist

I get letters (bolds and links added by Dr. Z)

Dear Dr. Z,

My eighty-six year old uncle has had neuropathy for about ten years. When his family doctor sent him to a neurologist to see what could be done, he was given foot braces to hold up his "lazy feet" and told there wasn't much else anyone could do. At the time he received his braces he had no feeling from his feet up to just above the knee.

Last Thanksgiving I realized he was getting much worse, walking with canes and hardly able to keep his balance. About six months ago I discovered the Dr. Z website and did the Self Evaluation for him.

I ordered both the Pleo Muc Capsules and the Pleo Muc Ointment for him and as of today, about six months later, he walks without a cane, keeps his balance, he holds one foot up completely without support and the other has just a small bit of "play" in it.

He is so excited at the speed and the degree with which he is improving. He even took a pin to his feet and he could feel it! I hope everyone with this ailment finds you, we both have told anyone who will listen to us.

We now believe he will recover completely, and he has promised to take me to the New Years Ball.

Thank you for bringing hope and mobility to a wonderful uncle.


Sue G., Laguna Beach California


I have been one of Dr Z's patients for 2 years now. I am 57. During this time I have been fortunate to have had 2 significant health improvements as a result of his recommendations as my health coach and teacher.

The 1st was what brought me to his office in the 1st place--an enduring sinus infection which he "diagnosed" as Candida-based likely due to a long antibiotic treatment regime. This condition was treated via fairly

  • drastic dietary changes
  • exercises to strengthen my overall mental aptitude and
  • dietary supplements

The resulting improvements to my health were both quick and unmistakably due to his recommended treatment regime.

Between that almost 2 year ago experience and now I've done many additional things to fine-tune my overall health and understanding of my body.

The 2nd and just recent noticeable health improvement appears to be solely due to frequent, routine use of the Personal Portable Oxygen Bar I purchased upon Dr Z's recommendation, combined with daily use of the Eyelights he fitted me with.

The most recent improvement has been a significant, very noticeable increase in my overall strength, endurance and mental aptitude. In our daily workout at the gym and especially in the water aerobics class, I'm like the Eveready bunny--I just keep going and going.

It is not only during our morning exercising though. The strength and endurance lasts all day and is apparent in everything I do.

  • My mental state is sharper too.
  • I feel much more 'wired' and turned on to life as it comes at me every day.
  • It is amazing to feel this good on a daily basis.

Keith M., Orangevale


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What is Neuropathy?

  Listen to Dr. Z

Here is a definition of neuropathy from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke


Peripheral neuropathy is obviously a terrible condition. Most people think of neuropathy in terms of burning pains and tingling and numbness in arms and legs. From the above definition you can see that vital organ function can be affected as well, such as

  • digestion
  • sexual function
  • blood pressure
  • heart rate
  • breathing

Not a good thing!


Dr. Z's Neuropathy Kit


What causes neuropathy

Listen to Dr. Z


Your brain cells, and your peripheral nerves, are working very hard. They consume a lot of energy in order to function properly. This energy is called ATP.

How do they get this energy? Well, inside the cells there are tiny energy factories called mitochondria. These energy factories/mitochondria make ATP from

  • oxygen and
  • "balanced" blood sugar/glucose

with the help of coenzyme Q10.


  • Without sufficient oxygen, your brain cells and nerves cannot work properly.
  • With blood sugar imbalance such as in high blood sugar/diabetes or with low blood sugar/hypoglycemia, your brain cells and nerves cannot work properly.

Peripheral/Diabetic Neuropathy occurs most frequently in people over age 40 who

  • smoke and/or who have diabetes.

*** Smoking pollutes the air you're breathing. Smoking damages the lining of your lungs and leads to chronic lung inflammation - just listen to the coughing and labored breathing of a smoker. Smoking interferes with oxygen transfer in the lungs. Less oxygen enters the bloodstream. This leads to in adequate oxygen supply to the brain cells and the nerves. They cannot make sufficient ATP. They start to malfunction, degenerate and may die. Peripheral neuropathy is an obvious possible consequence.

***Episodes of low blood sugar/hypoglycemia are dangerous because without a balanced supply of blood sugar/glucose your brain cells and your nerves are unable to produce adequate cell energy/ATP. They cannot work properly. Any imaginable brain and nervous system symptom is possible. Peripheral neuropathy is an obvious possible consequence.

***Diabetes/High Blood Sugar is toxic to brain and nerve cells. Brain cells and nerves become sick and cannot function properly. Peripheral neuropathy is an obvious possible consequence.

Brain cells and nerves have a high metabolism, meaning they require lots of energy for them to work well. Consequently, nerves are extremely sensitive to decreased oxygen levels and unbalanced blood sugar. Nerve dysfunction, nerve degeneration and possibly nerve death may follow. Sensory loss, numbness and/or tingling in the affected areas and poor wound healing are warning signs.

For those affected by peripheral neuropathy, it is imperative to stop smoking and pay close attention to one's diet.

European health care practioners report that the German homeopathic/isopathic Mucokehl/Pleo-Muc ointment in combination with Mucokehl/Pleo-Muc capsules has proven extremely useful as supportive therapy to alleviate the symptomatic effects of peripheral/diabetic neuropathy by increasing local microcirculation and thus increasing oxygen perfusion.

Co-Q10 is the enzyme reqired to make cell energy (ATP) from blood sugar/glucose and oxygen. As we age, cellular levels of Co-Q10 tend to decrease. Co-Q10 is an important factor.

***Purchase Dr. Z's Neuropathy Kit

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Your Personal Portable Oxygen Bar

  Listen to Dr. Z


Your brain is in charge of ALL aspects your being - mental and physical. Your brain cells and your nerves need three things to be happy.

  1. Balanced Blood Sugar
  2. Stimulation
  3. Oxygen/O2

Oxygen is critical - your brain depends on adequate oxygen more than any other part of your body. As we age this becomes more important - every year we lose some of our capacity to utilize oxygen - approx. 1% per year after the age of 20.

Without adequate oxygen your brain cells and nerves cannot make sufficient cell energy/ATP.

  • They cannot do their job properly,
  • they start to malfunction,
  • they degenerate and may even die.

Any imaginable brain and nervous system symptom is possible. Peripheral neuropathy is an obvious possible consequence.

If oxygen is so critical, especially as you get older, you want to ask yourself the following question:

  • "How can I, on a regular daily basis, improve the oxygen supply to all my cells, especially my brain cells and my nerves?"

The answer is simple. You can do this simply and effectively by breathing oxygen enriched air from Dr. Z.'s Personal Portable Oxygen Bar.

Do this consistently, on a daily basis, for a month or two....and you may experience many unexpected benefits in many areas of your life.

I, Dr. Z., have used the Personal Portable Oxygen Bar, while working out, for more than three years. It is one of the most effective antiaging strategies I have discovered to date, in my own life and the lives of many patients and online clients.

This is what some of Dr. Z's patients and friends report, who use the Personal Portable Oxygen Bar on a regular basis:

  • Feeling better overall
  • Better balance
  • Less pain and tingling and numbness
  • Clearer thinking
  • Enhanced moods
  • More restful sleep
  • Greater sense of balance
  • More stamina
  • and more....

Order your Personal Portable Oxygen Bar today!

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What some of Dr. Z's clients say .



I wish you well.

Thank you again for your interest and support.

Dr. Z

Peter Zeischegg, MS, DC, DACNB
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist


Order Desk: (866) 391-1787, ext. 1  
Consultations: (866) 391-1787, ext. 2  
Fax: (866) 302-1020  
E-mail: inquiry@drz.org  


Visit our website.

ODDHC - Oxygen Enriched Air, Diet, Digestion, Hypoglycemia/Blood Sugar, Candida

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© Copyright Dr. Peter Zeischegg MS, DC, DACNB, 2011. All Rights Reserved.